


Social Media Ads Services for

more traffic & conversions

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Result-Proven Social Media Advertising Services

Our social media advertising services help you generate immediate results on social media. We connect your products or services to thousands of people who may be interested in them. Our social media advertising services will allow you to leverage the most cost-effective and targeted form of advertising available today.

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Our Social Media Advertising Services can help your business grow by focusing on three key areas:

Spend your advertising dollars wisely:

Social media advertising is the most cost-effective form of advertising available today. On average, you can spend $5 and reach 1,000 people. In comparison to traditional media, our social media advertising services are 3x less costly.

Advertise to your exact demographic:

Advertising through social media is powerful because you can target your exact demographic. We can help you reach people based on:
  • Demographics: Run laser-targeted advertisements to people based on their interests and online behaviors. We can target specific ages, locations, income levels, and much more!
  • Email Lists: Send your email list to us and we can run custom ads to your email database. If you have the emails of previous leads or customers, say hello to repeat sales and new referrals.
  • Website Visitors: Add retargeting pixels to your website and advertise to recent website visitors. Only 1-2% of visitors convert on their first visit. We’ll use retargeting to increase your rate of conversions.

Get fast results with social media advertising:

Our social media advertising services expedites your results. You can reach people instantly. This means you can generate followers, engagement, and website traffic fast. The more ad dollars you’re able to provide, the more people we can reach. As you reach more people, you open up the door for more awareness, traffic and sales.

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Want To Grow Your Business? Get In Touch

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Our Social Media Marketing Process

#1: Assign a Dedicated Social Media Manager to Your Account

You will be assigned a dedicated social media manager to develop your strategy and execute it. This person will learn your business and be your primary contact. You will be able to communicate with your social media manager daily via email or schedule a call at a time that is convenient for the both of us.

#2: Develop a Social Media Strategy that is Specific to Your Business

The first step we will take with your campaign is to perform research and develop your strategy. We will do a competitive analysis, develop a buyer’s persona, and define an effective content strategy. We will also develop advertising strategies and funnels for your campaign to show you the roadmap to success.

#3: Develop Content Calendars and Advertisements

Once you agree on the strategy we develop, we will start execution. We will develop social media content and advertisements unique to your brand. For quality assurance, this content can be prepared in a monthly content calendar. You will have an opportunity to review and approve before anything goes live.

#4: Growth Optimization and Daily Maintenance

Our social media marketing services includes daily management and growth optimization. We monitor all social media activity (comments, messages, and reviews), and aim to respond within 24 hours. In addition, we will use organic tactics (hashtags, following, contests, etc.) to grow your channels.

#5: Reporting and Communication

Your social media manager will prepare monthly reports for you to review. You will also have 24/7 access to our reporting software to view your campaign’s progress at any time. In terms of meetings, we can schedule weekly, biweekly, or monthly meetings to discuss progress.

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