
About Us

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About The7

We are a leading digital marketing agency and a growth partner.

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Our flexible, dynamic, always-learning culture keeps us happy and motivated.

Own It, Act for the Greater Good, Do the Math, Innovate, and Everyone Is a Client are the values that define our culture.
We strive to be the most inclusive agency in digital, we’re committed to diversity and merit-based hiring and promotion.

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These five values drive our work, our culture, and happy The7’s members and clients.

We have identified five core values that we see over and over again in our best team members. Our goal is to have everyone on the team live these values. These values, in order of importance, are:

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The best team members at The7 act like small business owners — they are proactive and passionate, have a strong point of view, over-communicate, and don’t take no for an answer!

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We value people who are constantly thinking about what is good for the team before they think about their self-interest. People who volunteer to mentor younger teammates, help a team member on a tough assignment, or seek to build positivity and teamwork throughout the organization are our most prized contributors.

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We are a client-services business, so it is vital to have team members who are passionate about service. This not only means service to clients (which is a given), but service to vendors, teammates, and peers as well.

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Our success as a company has been built on a foundation of innovative processes. To continue to grow, we need to continue to innovate. We value team members who can drive innovation across the company.

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We love data, and we love digging into it. Math and data are the core of what we do. Team members who can use statistics and information for the betterment of clients and their peers are highly valued.

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